Friday 30 March 2012

The Last Laugh - Final Magazine Front Cover (Fangoria)

There are a lot of changes between the 2nd draft and this one, and the reasons why I have made these changes is because like the other changes I have asked my intended audience, and they felt that in the 2nd draft there was a lot going on in the background, and that I should keep it minimalistic and try a white background, and after doing some research I found a Fangoria magazine front cover, with the same layout idea I had in mind, so I decided to use that magazine front cover as a template.

Friday 23 March 2012

The Last Laugh - Magazine Cover 2nd Draft (Fangoria)

The reason as to why I have gone from an Empire magazine front cover to a Fangoria magazine front cover is because, when showing my intended audience my magazine front cover, they felt that it was too gory for it to be an empire magazine, so they suggested that I should do a Fangoria magazine front cover. After doing further research i found that they were right.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

The Last Laugh - Final Movie Poster

The changes I have made consists of the colour of the font, adding the names of who is starring in the film, and bringing out the red in the image a bit more. The reason why I've made this changes is because when asking my intended audience they thought that the title being in red is a bit too obvious, so going with the black makes it more effective.

Friday 2 March 2012

The Last Laugh - Choosing The Right Sound.

When choosing the right soundtrack for our film trailer, we decided to look at other existing horror movie soundtracks on YouTube, then decided that we'd make our own soundtrack. In the end we had 2 different soundtracks. We then asked our focus group and teachers which one they preferred, and based our decision on that, the decision was to combine both of the soundtracks together. We had the entire soundtrack of one of them, and a couple of screams from the other one.