Monday 7 November 2011

Halloween Trailer Analysis.

“How does Halloween, follow the codes and conventions of a slasher horror sub-genre?” The Halloween movie trailer follows the codes and conventions of a typical slasher horror movie, through the ways in which they use the paradigms; The establishing shot of an isolated white house, in the dark. The only lights that are visible are those coming from the bedroom and the porch. This follows the codes and conventions of a stereotypical slasher horror film, as it is set in an isolated house; also it is set in the dark, which makes this a typical structualist horror movie. The eerie non-diegetic sound also follows the code and conventions as it creates a mysterious, creepy atmosphere, also the diegetic sound of the owls suggests that it is set pretty late as the owls don’t “hoot” until it gets dark. This suggests that the house is also set near the woods, as that is their natural habitat is in trees. The camera cuts to a hand held camera/point of view shot from the inside of a mask, you can barely make out what is happening, but the fact that the hand is slashing across the screen suggests that she is being stabbed. This follows the code and conventions of a slasher horror sub-genre as the weapon normally used for a slasher film is a knife, as it is more personal, therefore it is a paradigm and follows the codes and conventions of a stereotypical slasher horror movie. The camera then cuts to a point of view shot walking out of the front door into the dark. The walls inside the house are all white with white knitted curtains, this follows the codes and conventions as the character paradigms suggests that there’s a victim, and the victim represents innocence, purity and vulnerability, so by using the white walls and white curtains, it links to that idea. Camera cuts to a mild shot of a man removing Michael mask, we then find out that the murderer is only a little boy. The camera then cuts to a close up of the doctor’s face, the non-diegetic has cut out and the diegetic sound is of the doctor talking about Michael and his illness. This follows the codes and conventions of a slasher horror sub-genre, as the killer is a sick evil person, even though it is a child, it still fits in with the structualist theory. The camera then cuts to a close up of a nurse in the car, then to a man jumping on the car. The non-diegetic sound speeds up creating tension. The camera then cuts back to the nurse in the car, who is being grabbed by Michael. The fact that they have used a nurse as a victim is somewhat ironic, as a nurse would usually be the one helping those who are wounded and in need of help, but no one is going to help her in this situation. This follows the codes and conventions of a slasher sub-genre as an innocent woman has been attacked, also linking in with the structualist theory, the scene being in the car, where you would feel safe, is actually the place where you shouldn’t go, as you are trapped. The camera cuts back to the doctor. The non-diegetic sound of him talking “he will be back” creates and builds tension. The camera cuts to 3 girls walking, wearing smart but casual clothes, 2 of the 3 girls are smoking, this suggests that the one that is not smoking is most likely to be the innocent one, and the other 2 are most probably the “promiscuous girls” linking in to the structualist theory. Whilst the girls are talking there is no non-diegetic sound, when the camera cuts to a tracking shot following them from behind, the non-diegetic sound crescendos which creates tension and suspense. The camera then cuts to a close- up of a two-shot of the girls and then a close up of the other characters showing their facial expressions, which is of shock and confusion. The camera then cuts to a dark room, door swings open a person covered in a white sheet representing some sort of ghost. The camera then cuts to a mid-shot of a girl in bed, I assume she is in the nude as she is covered by her cover; she is filing her nails which suggest that she has been waiting. This follows the codes and conventions of a slasher horror sub –genre, as she is the promiscuous girl that will soon die, according to the structualist theory, also slasher films in general have a lot of sexual intercourse, so this links into that idea of sex. Camera cuts to a hand held camera smashing through a door, suggests that someone is desperate to get someone else, the non-diegetic sound crescendos creating tension. The camera then cuts to a close up of the woman gasping in shock, suggesting that something bad and unbelievable has occurred. The camera then cuts to a girl in the bed lying dead in the shape of a cross, with a lit pumpkin on the bed side table, and the bed post is in the shape of a gravestone with the name “Mike Myers” written on it. This follows the codes and conventions of a slasher horror sub-genre as the fact that they’ve linked religion with horror, as religion is also a big part with the whole structualist idea of the survivor being a virgin; “No drink, no drugs, no sex and you’ll survive”. The camera cuts to a guy with glasses alone in the dark kitchen with nothing but the fridge light shining. There is no non-diegetic sound as he shuts the door, a tracking shot is used for when he walks to the door, and he is then greeted by Michael who then strangles him. The non-diegetic sounds starts and immediately creates tension and a sense of fear. This follows the codes and conventions of a slasher sub-genre as even though Mike is not using a prop paradigm (knife), he is still using his hands, which make it really personally and gruesome. The camera cuts to a mid-shot of a woman leaning against the wall in the dark. The way she has been positioned in this shot makes her seem really vulnerable and week as she is leaning against the wall for support, she is also stroking her arm for comfort which also suggests that she is really scared. As she walks towards the camera a white mask comes into focus and attacks her. Camera cuts to a hand held camera/point of view shot of the girl falling down the stairs. The camera then cuts to a point of view/low angle shot of the girl looking up at Mike, which makes her seem even more vulnerable and week. Also Mike is standing in the dark with a bit of light shining behind him, even though he is the villain, this shot makes him look powerful and almighty, almost god like. This follows the codes and conventions of a slasher horror sub-genre, as the villain is made to seem more powerful and stronger than the victim, who is made to seem weak and vulnerable. The camera cuts to an establishing shot of the house, this time there are no lights on at all which distinguishes that a change has occurred. The camera cuts to a tracking/handheld camera of the girl limping to a house with the porch light on, the fact ta she is limping shows that she is hurt and weak. The non-diegetic sound is very tense and staccato, which gives a very frightening atmosphere. The camera then cuts to a series of quick cut shots between the girl limping to door, and Mike walking slowly towards her. The fact that he is walking slowly towards her in comparison to how she is literally trying to run, is slightly patronising as he’s giving her the impression that he doesn’t even need to make an effort in killing her, and can get her easily. The camera cuts to inside the house, the house is dark and the only light is coming from the T.V as a little boy is watching T.V. This shot makes this boy really vulnerable as he is on his own watching T.V, and the by the looks of it this little boy looks about the same age as Mike, way when he started killing, do the fact that he’s just sitting there on his own watching T.V I the dark is kind of creepy. This follows the codes and conventions of a slasher horror sub-genre, as in scenes like these you would expect something bad to happen, even though it doesn’t show you what happens in the trailer, due to our culture and understanding we would assure this. The camera cut back to outside and the girl is screaming “HURRY!” Whilst banging on the door which suggests that she is desperate. The non-diegetic sound gets louder and more aggressive, as Mike gets closer and the girl gets more desperate. Camera cuts back to Mike walking towards the house from a point of view shot. The fact that he is in sight of the house is very frightening and the non-diegetic sound helps create that mood with the aggressive sounds. The camera cuts back to the girl getting more desperate, banging harder on the door, The trailer ends with the screen fading out to black followed by the fading out of the non-diegetic sound and the diegetic sound. This follows the codes and conventions of a slasher horror sub-genre.

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