Saturday 17 December 2011

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) - Trailer Analysis.

This trailer begins, with a low angle shot of a car driving past in a hot sunny desert like place. The location at this point isn’t really a setting paradigm. The non-diegetic sound sounds calm. It is set in the day time, the fact that it is also set during the day, also breaks that convention. The camera cuts to a two shot of the two couples in the car, Equilibrium. The camera then cuts to a tone card: “August 18, 1975”, this establishes hen it was set, also it’s been written in a traditional font, which contributes to it.  
The camera cuts to a two-shot of a couple, this shot establishes their relationship. Everyone is laughing having a good time (Equilibrium). The camera cuts to a close up of a sign, then cuts to a tone card; “Travis county Texas”, establishes where they’re going. The camera then cuts to a long shot of the truck slowing down next to a “hitchhiker”. There’s a lot of dust, making it hard to see what’s happening behind them, which suggests that wherever this person “hitchhiker” came from is somewhat a blur, distorted. The diegetic sound of speech spoken by the “hitchhiker”; “They’re all dead” creates tension, moment of disequilibrium.

The camera then cuts to a series of short quick shots, in sync with the diegetic sound of a vinyl scratching which almost sounds identical to the sound of a heartbeat. The first shot is of the couple, looking back at the “hitchhiker” in shock to what they’ve just herd. The next shot is a close up of the “hitchhiker” crouching over her knees with her hands covering her ears, like she’s looking for a place to escape, trying not to hear or see anything. The camera cuts to a close up of someone observing from behind a set of blinds. You cannot see the face of the person, which makes it very voyeuristic.

Camera cuts to an establishing shot of an old building, isolated in the middle of nowhere, they have done this to show that, no one’s around to help them, they can scream as loud as they want, and no one would be able to hear them. Camera cuts to a girl walking up to the house on her own. Camera then cuts to a shot from inside the house, and two people are standing outside banging on the door, shouting to see if anyone is there. The house is dimly lit; the only form of light is the ones coming from outside shining in from the windows. Camera cuts to a low angle of the girl walking towards the house by herself. The fact that the camera is a low angle shot suggests that she is a powerful character, possibly the final girl? The camera then cuts to the guys face which shows his facial expression which is of suspicion.

“BANG” the diegetic sound of that bang stopped the non-diegetic sound. The camera then cuts to the girl jumping as a reaction from that sound. The camera then cuts to a close up of a “peeping hole”, which suggests that someone is watching which is yet again voyeuristic. The camera then cuts to the girl on the other side of the “peeping hole” looking through it, which suggests that she might have had the feeling of someone watching her. Camera then cuts to an over the shoulder shot of an old guy in a wheel chair, him being in a wheel chair makes him vulnerable therefore not a threat to them. Camera cuts to a two shot of their faces as a reaction to the man’s appearance. Cuts to the “hitch- hiker” With the diegetic sound: “You’re all gonna die” moment of disequilibrium. The camera cuts to a close up of the peeping hole, which suggests that someone is probably watching behind it.  Camera then cuts to that door opening finally revealing who is behind it however the camera cuts to a close up of the boy and girls face in reaction to the villain.

The camera fades out to a white screen which looks like a flash of the camera, it fades out in sync with the non-diegetic sound which also sounds like a camera. The camera cuts to a hand held/point of view shot of the villain chasing one of the guys through a clothing line, the camera does the same thing with the fade out and the non-diegetic sound. The camera then cuts to a close up of the girl holding back the door in order to prevent someone coming through, Final girl? The camera then cuts to a close up of two girls huddling in what looks like a basement. Due to the way they have been composed in this shot, they look extremely vulnerable. The camera is still doing the fade to white, with the non-diegetic sound that sounds like a camera. The camera then cuts to a series of quick short cuts, with the sound of the non-diegetic sound speeding up. This creates tension.

The camera cuts to a tone card one after the other, and the second one says “Inspired by a true story”. By doing this they have made the movie 10 times scarier than it already was, as by saying it’s inspired by a true story, it make people believe that it could happen anywhere, to anyone. There is a voice over, over a fade to black of a girl screaming, with then a sound of some sort of chains, gives the impression of imprisonment, claustrophobia. The camera then cuts to a series of short quick cuts, yet again building tension. The trailer ends with the villain sliding his door shut, going back to hide away. Until now he has remained hidden.

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