Sunday 12 February 2012

Plot List.


  •      Four girls, in a dance studio practising a dace, a boy emerges wearing a v for vendetta mask, then starts      attacking/killing of the kills one by one. One dies in the studio, one on the way home, one in the shower. One final girl, going to be shown running away from the villain 
  •      A group of teens maybe 4 or 5, go out to the woods, have a couple of drinks, maybe do drugs, one of them have a psychological breakdown, and “turns” evil. He then starts killing them off one by one. Final girl. 
  •      A boy in school gets severely bullied, to a point where he can’t take any of it no more; he then gets revenge on all the bullies.

Out of the 3 plots, as a group we had a discussion, and came to a conclusion, that plot 1, will be our final plot, due to the fact, that it hasn’t been done yet. Also we feel that out of the 3 plots, this one would work better, and might be an easier option.

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