Thursday 9 February 2012



  1. How old are you?

15-18               19-22                22-25               25+

  1. Are you:

                    Male                 Female

  1. How often do you watch horror films?

             Daily             Weekly               Monthly                             Rarely                   Never

  1. How do you prefer to view horror films?

              Cinema               DVD               TV                             Online          

  1. What type of horror film interests you most?

Slasher/Gore              Supernatural                              Zombie                             Sci-Fi           

Psychological            Postmodern             

  1. What is your favourite horror film? Why?

  1. Who is your favourite horror film villain? Why?

  1. What setting do you feel is suitable for a horror film? Why?

  1. What weapon do you feel is suitable for a horror film? Why?

  1. What do you think is most effective in a horror film?

          Sound                Lighting                Costume                    Setting                                 Plot

  1.  Should the villain be seen or remain anonymous?

  1. Which gender should the final survivor be?

                        Male            Female

  1. Which gender should the villain be?

                        Male            Female

  1. Is sexual content necessary in horror film? Why?

  1. Is gore necessary? Why?

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